
Greater Ozarks Centers for Advanced Professional Studies (GOCAPS) Lake Region is a unique yearlong learning experience that allows high school juniors and seniors to test drive future career options. Students develop real world professional skills as they are embedded in partner businesses through mentorships and capstone projects.
GOCAPS Lake Region is a consortium of four area school districts: Lebanon, Conway, Richland and Laquey. Lebanon Regional Economic Development, Inc. is the administrative partner of the GOCAPS program and Lebanon Public Schools serves as the fiscal agent.
GOCAPS gives students the chance to explore their interests in four areas: Engineering and Manufacturing, Business & Entrepreneurship, Medicine and Health Care, and Teaching Professions. Students attend a morning session (8-10:30 a.m.) or an afternoon session (12-2:30 p.m.) Monday-Friday throughout the school year.
April 30, 2024: Capstone Event at the Cowan Civic Center (500 East Elm St. in Lebanon)
August 16, 2024: Orientation for 2024-25 Students at Cowan Civic Center (500 East Elm St. in Lebanon)