GOCAPS For Students

GOCAPS is open to all seniors and juniors residing within the Lebanon, Conway, Richland and Laquey school districts. If you are interested in applying for the GOCAPS program, please first meet with your school counselor to determine if this will fit into your schedule. Thank you for your interest in GOCAPS.
What can GOCAPS do for students?
- Learn inside a business setting
- Work on real-world projects
- Learn about industry needs and trends
- Identify interests and passions
- Grow professional and technical skills early
Students and parents may contact James Kincheloe at 417-991-2312 or email for further information, or contact your school guidance counselor.
What is GOCAPS?
Dual Credit Information – 2024-25 Updates Coming Soon!
LAKE REGION Information for TB Testing – 2024-25 Updates Coming Soon!
Student Application – 2024-25 Updates Coming Soon!
Frequently Asked Questions
What do colleges think of a program like GOCAPS?
Colleges and universities believe a program like this is a differentiator for a student. Many students entering college have significant academic abilities, but a student with strong academic performance AND professional skills and a portfolio of real business experiences will leapfrog college peers.
Is GOCAPS a trade school or Career and Technical Education (CTE) program?
No. Trade schools and Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs offer important training on specific industry skills. At GOCAPS, students deeply explore professions of interest through an immersive experience in which local and regional business partners work with highly skilled instructors to provide authentic exposure and skill acquisition in high demand high skill fields.
How much does it cost?
Tuition for the program is paid by the student’s home district. Lebanon Public Schools is the fiscal agent for the GOCAPS program. GOCAPS is governed by a board composed of area business leaders and superintendents. The board is given authority to manage this program through a cooperative memorandum of understanding approved by all participating school districts.
When do students attend the GOCAPS program?
Students meet at the business partners’ sites for 2 ½ hours, five days a week all year.
How will students be graded and what type of credit is offered for the class?
Students will earn both high school and college credit, and students will be graded on project work, self, peer, and business assessments, and professional skills (including attendance and dress code). Students will dress business casual every day, unless otherwise specified by the instructor and/or determined during project work with business partners.